Stay At Home Mom?
Work At Home Too
Your children are your top priority. You feel strongly that you're doing a job only you can do. And the reward?
Absolutely priceless.
Perhaps you gave up a good salary to stay at home after your child was born. Or maybe you stopped a successful career just to be there for your kids. Or did you set aside personal pursuits and long-held dreams for the sake of the family?
Whatever the reason, whatever the personal sacrifice, the choice to become the primary caregiver of your children is important. Now the things you do during the day have a different value for you. The sense of empowerment you feel no longer comes from your career or work, but from being actively involved with your children...
- comforting of a crying baby
- creative playtime with an active toddler
- volunteering in your child's classroom
- watching your teens play sports or music
You know you're making a worthwhile "kid investment" - molding a character, developing love and trust, cementing a strong value system. Your contribution to the family is immeasurable. But this important time-and-effort investment of yours comes with its own set of challenges.
Sometimes, at the end of an always busy day with your children, it can seem as though you haven't really achieved much at all.
"I believe wholeheartedly in the importance of being a Mom who chooses not to work outside the home in order to be available for her children.
However, I also have experienced the isolation, lack of adult interaction, and emotional fatigue that comes with being the 24/7 caregiver for a family of five."
There is also your financial reality that is difficult to ignore. It's very tough to raise a family on a single income these days.
And no one can deny the psychological "dependency" factor...
"I earn it - she spends it."
"There is this lingering, underlying sense that the one who makes the money has more control."
What Can You Do?
Paid work-at-home brings to mind images of soul-destroying jobs whose chief requirement is "no personality or brain required."
You are at a crossroad. You want to keep putting your children first but you also want and need something more.
You are not alone.
There is a large group of women who feel the same way. In fact, the group is so big that it has its own acronym...
WAHM or Work-At-Home Moms.
What Would Satisfy Your Need For More?
Some WAHMs provide childcare for other families. Others make or sell crafts, do home presentations (cosmetics, jewelry, kitchen ware, etc.), or do other paid work options.
A Family's Win-Win Situation
This past August I was able to quit that stinkin' 9 to 5 job - and it would NOT have been possible without SBI!. I not only earn enough, I save $45 per week on gas. I can volunteer at my son's school and I have much more time to develop my site. SBI! has truly created a win-win situation for my family, especially in this difficult economy!
Tracy Alt, Missouri, U.S.A.
All of the above are partial solutions. Money is coming in...
But you still have deadlines, or quotas to meet, or perhaps a boss to please. You still have the problem of a sick child changing your plans for the coming week. You still have to leave the house, or have potential clients come to your home.
Sometimes coping with a part-time work commitment creates as much havoc as a full time job!
Think about the many work-at-home-moms you know - and maybe you're one of them - who have tried one after another of these work-at-home opportunities ("biz opps").
Why is working this way so challenging? It doesn't give moms what they really want and need...
- total flexibility
- a solid, growing income
- a place to apply their personal knowledge, creativity and passion
The pay-back for the time, effort, and disruption to family routines is just not there. You want something fulfilling that you can do while putting your family first.
So Where Do You Go For The Right Answer?
The Internet!
The Internet is the easiest, most flexible, and most convenient tool for finding information and solutions.
Think about your favorite places to hang out like Facebook and Pinterest. And you probably visit dozens of other sites or blogs about gardening, news, holidays, recipes, shopping, Christmas, family health, games, tips, TV, finance or whatever else you're interested in.
And the reason you visited those sites? They gave you useful information.
You too can become a sought-after information or solution provider online.
Think about it. What is your passion? What information, based on your experiences (life, education, employment), could you share? How could you help someone else?
Everybody knows something about something. Identify it, write about it and share it with others who have the same interest or are looking for information about your favorite topic. There are tons of people who want to read about it - and spend money on it.
Use The Internet To Do Something You Love!
The Internet, available to you 24/7 at home and on your mobile devices, provides you with the opportunity to...
share your knowledge and passion with people from all around the world
- work with complete flexibility around your family without a boss, deadlines, quotas or... an updated wardrobe
- make some extra money to help pay for piano lessons, save for college education, or go on a family vacation
Create an online business that teaches other moms how to organize their homes or how to homeschool their children.
Or maybe create your own online gardening site, full of tips and tricks about growing herbs, fruits or plants.
A site filled with information about skin care, cooking or health might be your thing. The possibilities are endless!
The number of niches around which to create an income earning site is infinite!
Build A Successful Online Business
Don't let the word "business" scare you. Building a solopreneur business is totally doable and provides the flexibility and income you need to stay home with your children.
The Internet is always open so you can fit your business hours around your family schedule, if you want. Early in the morning before breakfast, during afternoon naptime or in the quiet of the night. You decide when and how long you are going to work each day.
Choose a theme that you are passionate about. Then build your business around it. You may already know what you want to do or you may need some time to figure it out. Perhaps it's been so long that you have forgotten what it is that you actually love to do!
Once you have that building block, what else do you need?
- enthusiasm, motivation and creativity
- the ability to work hard, learning as you go along
- patience and forethought
Just like raising a family, building a successful business takes time.
You also need the right guidance and the right tools, at an affordable price. You don't have the time or money to waste on gimmicks or false promises. Whatever you spend money on, it must produce results.
Solo Build It! (SBI!) Is The Solution
WAHM Case Studies
As part of a research project, four industrious WAHMs organized a survey to find out how other Work-at-Home Moms were building their businesses. The response was amazing!
A sampling of the survey respondents is highlighted below. Their candid, unedited responses show you how they started, what they love about it, where they find the time, and how much they earn.
Click to read about Nicole.
Click to read about Tracy.
Prefer to download & print PDF files? Right-click the above links.
So what is Solo Build It! (SBI!) exactly? SBI! is the only all-in-1, step-by-step system of process-and-software that delivers profitable online businesses. Everything that you need to grow an e-business is built-in...
- a process that works - this natural, powerful, proven process is outlined, step by step, in an easy to understand Action Guide. Regardless of how "new" you are to e-business building, you will understand it.
- a complete set of integrated tools - everything you need to do the process perfectly and on your own. No HTML and graphic design skills are required. You write about your theme, while Solo Build It! takes care of everything else.
Should you ever need a hand, you have round-the-clock Customer Support. And you'll make friends in the Solo Build It! Forums, a friendly "help-and-be-helped" community with a special forum just for WAHMs.
What Are Moms Saying About Solo Build It!?
Solo Build It! (SBI!) profoundly changes the lives of moms all over the globe. Some moms are even taking the time to make videos about their SBI! experience...
Real Moms. Real Business. Right At Home.
Click on these links for more "mom videos" (all created by actual SBI! owners, mothers working from home)...
Expressing Myself, Spending Time With Those I Love
Flexibility, Passion, Income.
Do what you Love Online
Without Leaving Your Kids Behind
Build a business where you are in control, following a step-by-step plan and using tools with a proven track record of success within a positive, forward-thinking and supportive community.
Solo Build It! sites succeed. And we prove it.
Read more about Solo Build It!...
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